Monday, July 12, 2010


Why do people dream? What do dreams mean? Is God telling us something through dreams like Joseph or is it be the work of the devil? I know that recently all of my dreams have been... very unpleasant. After discussing some of my dreams with my friend in hopes that she can make some sense out of them, I have turned to a dream dictionary site.

It puts an interesting view on some dreams.

Night 1:
Loss of a good friend, people around me acting are disgruntled, i have protective instincts, betrayed and being let down by someone, feeling overwhelmed, significant relationship has been severed, trying to disconnect myself from emotions,

Night 2:
feeling lost, trying to disconnect from emotions, some message that I'm trying to get ingrained,

Night 3:
something is being forced upon me, someone is lowering my self-esteem, I need to enjoy life,

Night 4:
trying to get rid of sad or negative emotions that I've been repressing in real life, looking for help

Night 5:
Set backs and misfortunes, fear of the actual, self-punishment, sincerity, looking for help, honesty, dedication, wisdom, unaware of something that's right in front of me, anxiety over a task in hand

Those are some of the dreams that I've had in the past few days. I'm sure that the dream dictionary isn't 100% on the right track all the time. I guess the only one who knows the true meaning of my dreams would be God, but it's still interesting to read about the meaning that other people have come up with. If you have time and a dream that you want to know the meaning of, check out the website!

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