Thursday, July 8, 2010

fun shaved ice treats!

Every year we all look forward to the sunny days of summer, but let's face it, we hate the heat when it actually gets here. I mean sure we can go cool off at the beach or the pool, but what about the rest of us? Yes, I'm talking about those of us who are still stuck at college for the summer. Whether we're working, researching, or studying.... the beach or even a kiddy pool isn't exactly something that we experience on a regular basis. That's why.... TADA!!

This nice treat will hopefully help you cool off for the summer! ENJOY!

-2 cups of ice
- 1/2 cup of cut-up fresh fruit (kiwis, strawberries, bananas, pineapple, peaches, mango, any berries, watermelon, melons are all good) or fruit cocktail. I also really like nata de coco, a clear jelly made from fermented coconut water
- 1/4 cup of chapsal dduk, sweet rice cake. Looks like this:

- 1/3 cup of sweetened canned red bean, called 팥
- 1/4 cup of condensed milk


You can buy ingredients such as canned red bean topping and rice cakes at your local Asian supermarket.


1. Grind up the ice using a mixer or ice grinder and put it in a bowl (clear bowls are nice to eat out of)
2. Pour the condensed milk over the crushed ice in the bowl. Put the red bean topping over the ice and milk, and then sprinkle the fresh fruit and dduk over the whole thing (you can be artistic and arrange the fruit prettily, or just dump it on top and eat).

3. EAT
The Korean style of eating patbingsoo is by mixing it first! "mix mix!". You take a spoon, mix everything together so that the toppings and ice blend, and eat! But personally, I prefer leaving the toppings intact until the very end.

DON'T FORGET TO GET CREATIVE!! This is just a generic recipe. You can also use different types of ice-cream and different types of fruits!


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